stun guns, concealed knives and other banned weapons found for sale to british shoppers on amazon

by:UMeasure     2020-04-15
Internet retailer Amazon is reported to have been found selling a large number of illegal and dangerous weapons to British customs sites.
According to The Guardian investigation, the public on Amazon can get some guns and hidden weapons free of charge, many of which are illegal weapons under British law.
It is reported that in the test purchase, the paper was able to purchase Kimber Pepper Blaster II, a gun that shoots a powerful Pepper spray at high speed, a Gotcha Cap, a hat that hides a fool
The air gun under the hat edge, along with a Zap light, a stun gun that looks like a normal torch, under laws such as the Firearms Act 1968 and the Assault Weapons Act 1996, all of this is illegal.
The weapons were sold after Amazon was informed of their presence on the site.
Stun guns and hats were purchased through Amazon from independent traders in the US and Israel, but it is reported that the pepper spray gun was sold directly by the company and sent out from the UKWarehouse based.
A spokesman for the Interior Ministry told the newspaper in a statement that anyone found in the UK with prohibited weapons may face charges of illegally importing prohibited weapons and may be sentenced to imprisonment
They said: \"It is illegal to sell any prohibited guns --
Including stun guns.
We are increasing the maximum sentence for this crime from 10 years to life imprisonment.
All weapons are described as \"less\"
But many people have the ability to be injured and badly disabled.
The number of Taser guns used by the police has increased by 50 in the past five years, and its role is to cause the target to lose control of the muscles by using high current electric shock targets.
Illegal stun guns have also been used in some crimes.
On August, grandmother Koren McCairn attacked a shopkeeper with a stun gun in Kent, and she was exempt from jail.
After the incident, she told police that she bought it online for \"protection.
The stun gun is also linked to the murder of Becky Watts by her stepbrother, Nathan Matthews.
He told police that he intended to prevent Watts from using the equipment during an attempted kidnapping, but eventually killed her in a fight.
Matthews also bought stun guns online and told police he did not know they were illegal.
Speaking of the findings, an Amazon spokesperson said: \"All market sellers must follow our sales guidelines and those who do not comply will be subject to actions including potential account deletion.
Related products are no longer available.
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