laser use reported effective in averting blindness in elderly

by:UMeasure     2020-04-14
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According to the National Eye Institute today, a new laser operation has been shown to be very effective in the treatment of the main causes of blindness in the elderly.
The result was so promising that the institute took unusual steps to disclose the results at a press conference in order to spread the news quickly.
It also terminated further clinical testing and today urged all potential patients to seek laser treatment in a timely manner.
It takes 10 minutes of non-surgical treatment, and if it is not applied for a few weeks after the symptoms appear, it is almost useless.
The disease is known as older amd, which causes decreased vision when small blood vessels grow and replace the thumb process-pimples
Control the size and structure of the central vision of the retina.
The cost of this treatment is about $950 an eye, it uses a laser to close these abnormal blood vessels, and if it is not examined, the growth of these blood vessels can cause retinal bleeding, scar formation and nerve damage that damage vision.
\"We believe the findings could save as many as 13,000 elderly Americans from blindness next year . \"
Carl kupfair, director of the Institute of Ophthalmology
\"This means that it is expected that the nationwide rate will be reduced by nearly 14% next year.
\"Advertising\" will publish a scientific paper on this result in an eye file published in June and is being distributed to every eye doctor across the country in advance.
In addition, the Ophthalmology Institute is carrying out a publicity campaign to provide information to primary education institutions
Nursing doctors and patients.
\"It is now necessary for elderly amd patients to realize that the blur, distortion and blank spots of central vision are early warning symptoms of leakage,\" he said . \"Stuart L.
A fine from the Wilmer Institute at Johns Hopkins University, the chairman of the study.
\"If the patient is found within the first few days of the onset of these symptoms, it is much more likely to find a leak of blood vessels that can be treated with laser.
\"Disease, S. M. D.
In short, this is a function of aging, affecting about 10 million people in the United States over the age of 50.
It is usually a relatively harmless situation in which the lump develops under the spot.
However, among these people developing abnormal new blood vessels, between 5% and 20% of them suffer severe visual loss, a disease called a new blood vessel disease. M. D.
Of the estimated 500,000 legally blind Americans, about 104,000 were caused by the new blood vessel SMD.
The Eye Institute now estimates that 93,000 of people can avoid or delay blindness through laser treatment.
It is estimated that about 200,000 Americans develop new blood vessels every year. M. D.
One eye will be the candidate for treatment.
As a result, it is expected that as many as 2 million people will be treated in the next decade.
According to the Eye Institute, 21 million of 60 million Americans over the age of 50 have a high risk of developing the disease.
In the United States, ar lasers have been commonly used to treat other eye diseases such as diabetic retina, retinal detachment, and some forms of glaucoma.
Some eye doctors have used it for new blood vessels. M. D.
But others have been reluctant because of their long-standing control research.
Since the laser can also destroy some healthy retina tissue, there is a lack of long-term effectiveness.
An eye Institute study conducted at 12 medical centers across the country aims to provide conclusive evidence.
Patients were randomly assigned to \"treatment\" and \"no.
The treatment effects of the two groups were compared.
The study will last five years.
The study was cut off because it seemed pointless to reject any further treatment, so it stopped just three years later.
After 18 months of tracking
60% severe and irreversible loss of untreated eye vision, while 25% of the treated eye vision decreased.
Subjects will be monitored to see if beneficial results last five years.
The results show that early treatment is essential.
Of the cases that were diagnosed within two weeks of the onset of symptoms, 83% were still operable.
By contrast, only 10% can be treated if five to six months have passed.
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View all New York Times newsletters. Dr.
Kupfer says 90% of blindness is caused by new blood vessels. M. D.
This is preventable, and thousands of others can avoid smaller loss of vision, such as blindness in one eye.
Treatment is relatively comfortable for patients, usually in the outpatient service.
The eyes were under anesthesia after a diagnostic test.
The laser beam is then applied to release the patient immediately.
Patch on the eyes for a few days.
It will take a few weeks to fully know the results. Dr.
Of the 224 patients treated, only one had adverse complications and bleeding caused severe visual loss, Fine said.
RiskNeovascular happened. M. D.
Women are more common than men.
People with blue and light eyes are at greater risk than ordinary people, a situation that is rare among black Americans.
It hits pimples, the yellow dot in the center of the red retina, and is critical to central vision, which is critical for most tasks such as reading, sewing, or driving.
The rest of the retina is used for peripheral vision.
There\'s a small cup in the center of macula-
Central concave, retinal nerve cells containing a large number of cone cells for reading and perception of color.
Of the 80 to 95% casesM. D.
This situation will not exceed this \"dry\" stage, which will result in slight blur and distortion.
But in other cases, the membrane that connects the retina and the bottom of the blood vessel-the vein-begins to rupture.
The new blood vessels then began to grow into spots.
This process, the so-called new blood vessels of the clubbing membrane, usually begins at the edge of the pimples and spreads inward towards the central concave.
When this happens, the liquid leaks into the nervous system, and the container leaks the liquid into the light.
Sensitive nerve tissue, killing cells.
The victim will begin to see waves or curved straight lines, and then a blind spot appears in the middle of the field of vision.
This process happens very quickly, and sometimes in a month or two, the center concave is destroyed.
90% of people in this formM. D. go blind.
The laser maintains the remaining vision by burning and sealing the container to prevent further leakage.
This process is called light setting.
Since the laser also destroys healthy visual cells near the blood vessel, this treatment is considered useless if the vessel is very close to the central concave.
Treatment does not cure a potential disease;
It only lightens one of its complexities.
Since early detection is essential, experts urge older people to have their eyes examined individually each day. Since S. M. D.
Usually develop first in one eye and later in a few years to the other, the symptoms may be ignored due to healthy eyes covering up the symptoms.
As a result, Argye Hillis, a statistician for the project, recommends that people conduct the following tests every day: Pick out a straight line, such as a door frame or a wire rod.
Cover one eye and see if the line is still straight;
Then check the other eye.
If the lines are bent or twisted or blank, see your doctor immediately. Dr.
Most retina surgeons familiar with laser therapy for diabetic retinal diseases can \"do their best\" to learn this new technology, says Fine.
The laser is a strong single
Frequency beam.
Use them in SM. D.
A little similar to burning nosebleeds.
In 1959, they were first used in ophthalmology for diabetic kidney disease.
However, it was not until 1971 that a controlled clinical trial was able to finally demonstrate its effectiveness.
The Ophthalmology Institute released the results at a press conference on 1976.
For the effectiveness of laser treatment of glaucoma, there is no such conclusive evidence.
The Institute of Ophthalmology hopes to start such tests soon. It was Dr.
Arnall Patz, director of the John Hopkins Wilmer Institute, took the lead in applying the technology to the United States. M. D. treatment.
A version of this article was printed on page A00001 of the National edition on May 7, 1982, with the title: laser use is reported to be effective in avoiding blindness in the elderly.
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