downtown resident loses sleep over lrt construction noise

by:UMeasure     2020-04-11
Jesse more can\'t sleep.
It\'s noise from light rail construction.
The staff of the Huangtou brewery lives in an apartment building near the Valley Line light rail route, located on 97 Street and 102 Avenue, and his bedroom window is about six metres away.
The construction of this line has been exempted from noise bylaws in Edmonton city, although 75-
Suite residential building, allowing 24-hour operation of large and loud building equipment.
\"This is very ruthless,\" More said . \".
Using a sound meter, the constant noise from heavy machinery hit about 60 decibels in his apartment, More said.
There are hammering, digging, concrete cutting and backup alarms.
\"This is not only bad for my health --
I\'m exhausted now.
However, the constant, very loud noise makes you have a headache . \"“It’s so loud.
On Friday, more people said he had slept for 10 to 12 hours since Monday.
What TransEd does is legal and more people think it is unacceptable.
A trading website said the work is expected to last two weeks.
The site also said the work was being done at night in order to minimize traffic disruption. Ward 6 Coun.
Scott McKeane said his office was looking into the issue and he was sympathetic to the affected residents.
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