measuring devices lead to disqualification for irish duo at british open - measuring devices

by:UMeasure     2019-09-17
measuring devices lead to disqualification for irish duo at british open  -  measuring devices
The two Irish international made history yesterday at the British Women's Open Amateur Championship at the Marchines Peninsula in south Wales for the wrong reasons.
Maria Dunn and Aden Murphy became the first player to be disqualified from the LGU tournament due to the use of distance
Measuring equipment that violates event conditions and local rules.
They only have a few holes in the first round of qualifying --
The ball matches when they use these devices-
Allowed in Ireland and activity practice-
No thinking.
Both players were upset and could not talk about the incident, but Susan Simpson of LGU pointed out that the rule was stated on a card that was given to competitors at the time of registration.
In those 18 years, there was some good news in Ireland. year-
Old Lisa Maguire, one of Russell's twins, showed off a sensational game on the first day.
She only needs 23 putts on her way to a great race below 71 to sit with Haley Davis and South Koreans in England --
Born in Australia
Three moves after xuanao 18-year-
Caroline nistrup, an old Dane from Copenhagen, entered the second round.
Maguire had birds on the 1, 2 and 8 at the age of 35, and on the 11, 14 and 17.
Lisa's twin sister, Leona.
Credit rating of 72 bars.
Stephanie medd defended her champion last year at canortis, who finished with 4-76 shots in a match against two bogey, and on her way to 79, there are 8 on the 13 th.
If she wants to make progress, she must make progress today.
Megan Mack in Northampton County
Last Irish Open champion Laren-
Hit the championship and fined 70.
Competitors played another round today, and then the leading 64 entered the knockout phase, ending in the final on Saturday afternoon. try {_402_S }
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