bp canada given green light to prepare to drill a deep-water exploration well in n.s. waters - green light laser level

by:UMeasure     2020-03-24
bp canada given green light to prepare to drill a deep-water exploration well in n.s. waters  -  green light laser level
The offshore oil regulator in Nova Scotia must start preparing for the planned drilling of exploration wells.
In a press release released by Canada on Saturday --
The Nova Scotia Offshore Oil Commission has announced that BP Canada's rig will be allowed into Nova Scotia waters to prepare before drilling operations.
BP Canada has to get further permission from the board before it starts drilling.
CNSOPB began reviewing the information submitted by BP Canada in April 2017, and oil and gas submitted an application for deep drilling
In September of the same year, the well was explored in waters about 330 kilometers off the Halifax coast.
The board said they had held a number of stakeholder engagement meetings and planned to release a report in the event BP Canada was authorized to start drilling.
Stuart Pinks, CEO of CNSOPB, said appropriate equipment and regulations have been reviewed to ensure safety and environmental responsibility.
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