green light to apply lime as conditions suit

by:UMeasure     2020-04-10
Every year, farmers ask Teagasc consultants the question \"When is the best time to apply lime\" and now is the best time allowed by weather and ground conditions.
In autumn, lime will promote growth in the coming spring by releasing organic fertilizer and phosphorus from the soil, encouraging earthworms and microbial activities, and increasing the absorption and utilization of chemical NPK fertilizers by grass and farming crops.
In addition, spraying lime in the fall reduces the risk of lime absorption by green feed crops next year.
Adding excessive lime to the self-grass will inhibit silage preservation, resulting in poor silage quality.
The importance of restrictions is the basis for all soil fertility and grass growth as well as livestock production.
Lime and phosphorus (P)and potassium (K)
All of them are essential nutrients for grassland, and their use has declined in recent years.
Ask most farmers when is the last time they spread lime, will they remember the Google tag? {});
Lime can have a huge impact on the growth of animals, resulting in additional live weight gain and a higher rate of storage.
Lime provides calcium, and in some cases, magnesium is important for healthy bone development of livestock, production of milk, and reduction in the occurrence of grass tany.
The effect of lime improves the quality.
It is necessary to correct the acidity of the soil and promote the healthy growth of plants.
Determination of soil acidity in the pH scale of 0 to 14.
The most suitable pH for fine grass is 6. 3 to 6. 5.
Rye grass and clover perform best in this case of pH or higher, but when the pH drops below 6, it is replaced by grass with lower yield, such as curved grass. 0.
Therefore, keep the grass close to pH 6.
It is essential to keep rye grass and clover.
Dawn promotes soil micro
Earthworm activity, decomposition of residues of plants and animals, release nutrients of plants, especially nitrogen.
It is estimated that the acid soil through dawn (pH 5. 5)
Free nitrogen up to 75 kg to 80 kg (48-64 units)
Released from every hectare of soil every year.
Dawn improves the plant\'s utilization of phosphorus and helps release phosphorus from organic matter.
Keeping the soil at the recommended pH is a good investment with high fertilizer prices. googletag. {});
Using lime, the correct pH allows the best use of other nutrients such as potassium (K)or potash.
Lime is cement in the NPK mixture, which can promote plant growth.
Lime loss lime is mainly lost from the soil in drainage.
This loss is 250 to 265 kg per hectare/year, depending on the rainfall, the type of soil and the amount of lime in the soil at the beginning.
Lime is removed from crops and livestock.
The average annual lime production per hectare is 60 to 80 kg.
A good bull can remove nearly 25 kg heads a year.
The use of high fertilizer nitrogen increases the acidity of the soil, for example, it takes about 2 kilograms of lime per application of 1 kg of nitrogen.
Low lime content will only improve with regular application of lime.
Completing the soil test is the first step to correct the lack of lime.
The standard soil test will give the pH lime demand and phosphorus (P)
Potassium or potash (K).
Follow carefully any soil advice given by Teagasc consultants or agricultural consultants. try {_402_S }catch(e){}
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