short distance sensor sixth sense of shark - aquatic -

by:UMeasure     2019-06-29
Sound travels five times faster in the water than on land, and sharks are ideal for handling this phenomenon.Although there is no visible outer ear, the sensitivity to sound is very developed, so they capture a large number of sounds that humans cannot hear.They have two ears and one on each side of their nose.
Both are connected to the two small openings of the shark's head through one channel and have a basic component of any other chiropractic including us.The three cameras that surround the auditory organs are called spots containing nerve cells that respond to sound vibrations.The shark's hearing is closely related to the edge of the body, which is solved in the touch part.
Every sound or movement that occurs in the water produces sound waves that pass through this medium.Due to the distance and speed of its transmission, nerve cells inside the ear receive vibration immediately.Studies have shown that the sound frequency emitted by sharks is between 10Hz (cycle per second) and 800Hz, while the sound frequency emitted by humans is between 25Hz and 16,000Hz, the sound frequency of sharks has evolved in the shark's sensory system, allowing you to detect sounds that humans cannot perceive.
Specifically, such as the very low frequency sound that a fish makes when eating or injured?This is a big advantage when feeding because sharks can find vulnerable prey.In addition to being used to find food, shark auditory receptors help determine the direction of water absorption by the difference in the speed and direction of their movement.The amazing "sixth sense" shark is called the electric feeling and we can detect the faint electric shock from the animal.
This amazing feeling helps the shark find its prey, which is certainly something I can't find with other senses.Sharks have a wonderful "sixth sense" that can detect objects that cannot be seen, touched or smelled in a very short distance.This extra feeling known as electric sensation enables sharks to detect weak electric fields through pores around the head and jaw.
These pores causecalled jelly -Lorenzini's bag-filled pot is connected to the nerves in the shark.These blisters were named in honor of the seventeenth world.The century anatomy that describes them is the most powerful electrical sensor for any animal in nature.
All animals, including humans, generate pulses in two ways.First, electrical impulses are the natural result of muscle activity and other physical processes.The movement through the Earth's magnetic field, for example, a shark swimming in the ocean or a person walking on a beach, can also produce electric shocks.
In normal daily activities, people and animals generate electricity on their own.In the water, these currents quickly spread to the electrical receptors of sharks.By reducing the intensity of the magnetic field, when the intensity of the magnetic field is closest to the source that produces the magnetic field, it is more accurate to feel from the shark's electrical receptor.
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