large area radial junction silicon nanowire solar mini-modules - industrial laser measuring device

by:UMeasure     2019-12-12
large area radial junction silicon nanowire solar mini-modules  -  industrial laser measuring device
In this work, we introduce the 5-inch x 5 cm2 cm 2 mini-
Module based on radial junction silicon nano wires (RJ SiNW)
Equipment for plasma growthassisted vapor-liquid-solid (VLS)technique. The mini-
Modules were obtained due to industrial laser paddling technology.
The electrical parameters were highlighted to address the performance issues of these devices and to look forward to the prospect of the rival sinsinw solar modules.
In addition, luminous (EL)
Measurements were also made to evaluate the uniformity of the Mini manufacturedmodules.
In addition, the structural features of solar cells and laser marking were evaluated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM).
Challenges and Prospects were also discussed.
Solar cells based on silicon thin film technology have been under development for many years to achieve high energy conversion, low material consumption and low manufacturing costs.
Recently, high energy conversion efficiency (η)
Hydrogenation of amorphous silicon (a-Si:H)(10. 3%)
And hydrogenation of microcrystal Silicon (µc-Si:H)(11. 77%)
It has been achieved.
However, the manufacturing process requires additional steps and ultra-thick transparent conductive oxide (TCO)
Layers are compared to flat devices to achieve such high performance, such as improved light trapping and resistance
Reflection properties that can be passed through surface textures and-
Reflective coating.
In addition, a relatively thick layer of absorptionSi:H (~300u2009nm)and µc-Si:H (~2u2009µm)have been used.
On the other hand, a promising research field based on radial junction silicon nanoparticles (RJ SiNWs)
Compared to conventional flat junction solar cells, it offers several advantages, including high built-in
In the electric field, due to
Thin absorption layer (~100u2009nm)
, Enhance trap light and defense
Reflection attribute.
In addition, the collection of photos-
The generated carrier is decoupled due to the unique geometry of the NWs.
A recent efficiency ~ 9.
The SiNW solar cell of 2% is 0.
Reached 126 cm area.
However, the transfer of pin rj equipment to large-scale production requires upgrading and compatibility with industrial processes.
However, increasing the effective area of the pin device may reduce the open circuit
Circuit Voltage (V), fill factor (FF)
Thus limiting the performance of the device.
Therefore, due to practical reasons, a large area of solar energy devices is divided into small active segments (cells)
With the help of mechanical or laser paddling technology, the overall integration of a range of independent solar cells is provided.
Laser paddles (ablation)
Compared with mechanical marking, it has advantages in less mechanical stress, shorter processing time and higher reliability on the equipment.
In addition, laser paddling is a non-
The contact process of the film material is selectively and precisely removed by focusing the laser beam.
Integrating solar cells into modules using laser paddles is J. J. Hanak in 1981.
Since then, laser paddles have been used for different types of solar cells, including-Si:H, µc-
By using various types of lasers, Si: H and CIGS devices.
Typically, for each film material, the laser rowing parameters, such as wavelength and pulse duration, must be optimized to reduce the generation and re-generation of the sheet
Cure the material, which may lead to a short circuit of the final equipment.
In order to avoid the shortage of electrode and film material removal, several research groups provided different methods.
Laser paddling on solar devices creates a dead zone called the lost zone.
The presence of the dead zone will reduce the active area slightly, but by the performance of the smaller devices in series, it is satisfactorily compensated.
However, as Haas has demonstrated, death zones can be minimized.
A new concept in series with a single unit replaces a typical stripe-
Like a line, by rearranging the laser points.
Other methods based primarily on optimizing laser parameters can also be found elsewhere.
In this article, we first demonstrated the mini-modules (
Activity Area 10 cm)
Architecture of RJ.
The manufacturing is based on the growth of the northwest of PECVD and the deposition of materials, combined with the laser paddling technology to achieve proper modularity.
Section 2 describes the sample, laser stroke setting and representation techniques used to manufacture solar micro-devicesmodules.
The results of section 3 are divided into three subsections, devoted to RJ deposition, followed by a description of the light line and the Mini
Module manufacturing.
The last subsection is devoted to the representation of device performance, as well as a discussion of the weeks and advantages of the displayed solar micro-cellsmodules.
Section 4 gives a conclusion.
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